Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Worms Are Wonderful

I can't believe that is has been as long as it has since I posted. It has been awful around here, sick, busy, crabby 2 year old, etc. But this last weekend Grandma graciously agreed to take CM Friday night and then bring him back Sunday afternoon. It really let my husband and I recharge our batteries. NC is such a low key baby and after taking care of two, it was a pleasure to have just the one. I am not sure what Grandma and CM did all weekend, I am sure I do not want to know. One thing I do know is that they went digging for worms. Well, the were planting trees and Grandma couldn't wait to introduce him to worms. CM was all excited until he actually touched one. Then he was not so sure. CM has a habit of being really excited by the idea and then once he gets there he is standoffish. CM did package up some worms to bring home to me. Grandma knows I like worms. As a matter of fact on my to do list is to start a worm farm for food scraps. Our dog is gaining just a little to much weight from all of the leftovers that CM feeds him. Better to feed the worms I say!

1 comment:

bummytime said...

Did you count how many worms are in that tub?